Easter Bonnet Competition 2016
This will be judged at the Calmore Community Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday 27th March 2016
The following are the terms and conditions and will constitute the rules:
1. Entry is free
2. The Judges decision is final
3. The entrants photographs will be submitted to local newspapers/social media to announce the winners and publicise the event. By taking part you accept that you your child’s photo may be used in the aforementioned way
4. There are three categories – 5 yrs and under; primary school; Secondary school and adult
5. The bonnets/hats need to be the work of the person entering the competition although the age and skills of the entrants will be taken into account so some parental help can be given.
6. Bonnets/hats must be worn on the head throughout the judging.
7. The judges will be looking for the following: – care and execution of work; creativity and originality