Advent blog – December 6

Mary's trust in God
The Christmas story relies heavily on individuals co-operating with God to carry out His great plan to bless this world through the birth of Jesus. Nazareth, a little town with its narrow streets, flat roofed houses set in narrow streets had a dubious reputation. It was not the most inspiring location to find Mary, a central character in the Christmas story.
Mary was a young teenage girl when she was told by an angel that she had been chosen to be the mother of baby Jesus. So often Christmas cards and paintings depict Mary in a romantic way but there was nothing romantic abut the situation she found herself in. Pregnant and unmarried in her culture was to be feared and even came with a death penalty attached.
What I like about Mary was her trust in God in a difficult time of her life. Her trust in Him gave her strength to come through the problems that faced her and helped shape her into the ideal mother to be entrusted with baby Jesus. If you are going through a tough time right now be aware that God knows your circumstances and offers help through these tough times.
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Tags: Advent, blog, Christmas, Christmas blog