The Story: A long journey
When I am going on a car journey to a new destination I always use my Sat Nav. Over the course of my many journeys this has resulted in some […]
The Story: A covenant
A little 5 year old girl was having a troubled-filled day, arguing back and forth with her mother. Finally, her mother in exasperation said, “Jenny, I want you to sit […]
The Story: Deliverance
This is a really exciting chapter. You really need to read the whole thing through for yourself. Basically in chapter four of The Story, which we will be looking at […]
The Story: God’s promises
Last time we discovered that God’s vision when He created the world was to be with us. However, the first human beings, Adam and Eve, chose a different vision; sin […]
The Story begins
Millions of people are hooked on discovering their family tree. Maybe you are one of them? They search for details of their ancestry by surfing the internet or by leafing […]
The Story: the launch
Saturday 26th January was launch day for The Story. Ever wondered what the Bible is all about? Now is your chance to find out. The Story is an amazing journey […]