Finding Happiness in 2021
Happy New Year?

This year more than most the phrase “Happy New Year” is a sentiment many of us would wholeheartedly agree on. A friend recently told me that in their view 2020 was the worst year of their life.
So how can we have a happier New Year? Here is something that I recently found that seems to have a lot of suggestions in it. Maybe once you have read it you could pick one or more of them to help you in the coming year?
“Do not pursue happiness; it cannot be caught, like a cold or bouncing ball.
It is not found in fads or trends;
Nor will it reward you for meeting others’ expectations.
Happiness comes from submerging yourself in God.
Do not struggle to keep your head above water,
But yield yourself to the deep flow of God’s universe.
You will not drown.
You will be swept along by forces you cannot imagine.
Foam on the surface gets blown around;
Driftwood piles up on sandbars;
People obsessed with themselves end up as hollow husks on rocks.
But the current rolls on.
So let yourself get carried away
By something that will last longer than a social eddy. “
(This is a paraphrase of Psalm 1 from The Bible)
This paraphrase of words in the Bible seems like good advice for our journey of life through 2021.
Here’s one thought from this that I am going to focus on this year:
“Submerge myself in God”. I take this to mean improve the depth and quality of my relationship with Him.
None of us would have dreamed that 2020 would turn out like it did so maybe we need something more this year than new year’s goals and resolutions. Maybe we need to focus on some of those huge questions in life that often surface in times of crisis. Questions such as; “Why am I here?” or “Is there more to life than this?”.
Shortly, The Watering Hole will be offering a zoom version of the Alpha course which seeks to address some of these questions. If sitting down with a coffee and others online to discuss this is something that would interest you then get in touch by……
So in this first blog of 2021 all that remains is for me to wish you a happier and healthier new year.