Ghosts don’t eat fish.
This blog is taken from a thought sent to me by a good Minister friend of mine called David. I loved what he wrote so thought that I would share it with you.
It is just over a week since the Easter weekend and this incident happened in Jesus’ life at just about the same time.

Early one morning on the shore of Lake Gennesaret, someone lit a fire and began cooking fish. As the sun began to rise over Galilee, new light in the sky revealed a small fishing boat just offshore. Seven lads were tired and frustrated, having been out all night and caught nothing. The hit-and-miss nature of this work was demoralising. From the shore the stranger shouted out, ‘Morning! Got any fish?’
‘No,’ they replied.
‘Throw the net over the right side of the boat and see what happens.’
Having nothing to lose, they bought into the idea. As they lowered their nets into the water, fish were everywhere, the nets almost breaking with the pressure.

At this point one of the more impulsive lads got a bit over-enthusiastic. Realising that the stranger on the shore was Jesus, he dramatically jumped out of the boat and swam the few hundred yards to the shore to greet the Master.
To cut a short story even shorter, Peter and the lads (the six other disciples) hauled 153 fish to shore and enjoyed a cooked breakfast with Jesus – great company, with engaging yet challenging conversation in a wonderful setting – what could be better?

Make no mistake, it was Jesus who’d conquered death and come back to life: a real person, flesh and blood.
God often gave John the context of food as a means to describe the nature and character of Jesus. To encourage the Christ-followers of John’s day to stay faithful in difficult times, He inspired him to paint a picture of how much Jesus wants to enjoy the pleasure of our company.
‘Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.’
John in Revelation 3:20 [New Living Translation] Tweet
Thanks David. If ever we needed the hope that comes from believing that God is real AND has power over death I think it is now. For me personally my faith in God is really helpful and keeps me positive in these difficult times.
If you would like to investigate the God who inspires and encourages me then why not drop me a line at and we can begin to explore together.
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