Quiz Nights
The question; the cogs of the mind start whirring; then a light bulb moment. Hopefully the process gives you an answer; a correct answer.
On the first Monday of every month the Watering Hole in conjunction with the Calmore Community Association hold a Family Quiz Night.
Next Quiz Night: Sunday 7th February
Teams of up to 6 including children can compete for a prize. Every round has a question for children for which they get a bonus and there is a round aimed at children so a team without children has a slight disadvantage. Fear not childless teams… family teams and adult only teams have both walked away with the prize. Family Quiz Night is open to everyone. If you on your own come along anyway and join others who need an extra brain in the team.
You you know your chocolates? Can you identify the flavour of crisps? How good are your taste buds? Every month there is a tasting round. In the past we have had chocolate, spreads and crisps.
Can you identify the twisted city below? The answer is in the caption so be careful how far down you scroll. This is from one of our picture rounds. Company logos, airline liveries and animals have all been featured.
Of course there are plenty of verbal questions with written answers in the traditional quiz style.
Family Quiz Night starts at 4:00pm and is over by 6:00pm. We meet in the Rufus Room in the Calmore Community Centre. Cost – £1 for CCA Members, £1.50 for non-members, 50p for children.
The money raised is split between the Calmore Community Centre’s improvement fund and ADRA one of the Watering Hole’s chosen charities.