Remembering is important – “lest we forget”

It is so easy to forget what people have done for you that we need special anniversaries, birthdays and calendar events as aide memoirs. They also serve to focus our attention on something or someone important.

Service of Remembrance
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause as a nation to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Even with the brutality of the Hamas-Israel and Russia-Ukraine conflicts raging, we can still remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.
It is for this reason that we hold Services of Remembrance. It is an opportunity for us to remember, “lest we forget” the many who gave their lives for ours.

Just One
Sir Winston Churchill famously commented, “Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many, to so few.” As a Christian, I often remember the sacrifice of Jesus. His death (which we remember at Easter) demonstrated incredible love and is the reason so many now owe their hope of eternal life not to a few but to just one person.
Our lives are all the richer when we remember.

You are invited to be part of our Service of Remembrance in Hunter’s Hall at Calmore Community Centre on Saturday 11th November at 11:00am.
The service will have a dual focus:
Thanks to those who gave their lives defending our country.
A celebration of the lives of people who give their time to serving our community today