Keep Calm and Carry On In every country, fear of the battle against Covid is growing. In many countries contagion is growing. Statistics change depending on what website you look […]
Protection for the NHS Personal Protection Equipment also known as PPE is a phrase that we have heard a lot about during the Covid-19 pandemic. Up to the end of […]
Coping with fear Even though I am more than half way through my life I am so afraid of the dark. It’s not so bad when there are other people […]
These are the faces of our medical workers Every Thursday many across the country take a few minutes at 8:00 in the evening to show our appreciation of our medical […]
I want to tell you a story A friend sent me this lovely story, author unknown, that I thought worth sharing with you. I hired a plumber to help me […]
It is Well – Matt Redman My post today was inspired when listening to Matt Redman’s song, It is Well. You can listen to it yourself on Youtube (at the […]