The Story: Decisions, Decisions
As we move into chapter 14 of The Story we see people in leadership making wise and unwise choices. The nation of Israel, God’s chosen people to show the nations around just what they would be missing without God in their lives, is in a mess through poor decision making. The nation is about to split into two separate kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah. In this chapter we will read about 4 different kings and the impact their decisions have on entire nations.
Just as decisions can have a negative impact, so they can have a positive impact.
Take a moment to think about decisions you have made this week. How have they affected your family, your business, your money, your neighbourhood?
Now think about the affect your decisions will have on future generations.What will your great grandchildren say of you? What do you want them to say? Scary thoughts aren’t they?
Whatever our age our actions affect others. In the Bible God speaks of this impacting families “until the third and fourth generations”.
God knows our weaknesses and strengths. In His great love for us He says that we do not have to make decisions on our own.When an individual allows God to come into their life He helps in the decision making process. He also works with that person to help them develop His characteristics. We start to think and act like He thinks and acts.This helps our decisions and actions to have a positive impact on others.
Why not invite God into your thought processes today and let Him help you become a positive influence on the people you meet.