TOTRAK club helps with projects at Calmore Junior School

TOTRAK stands for Totton Random Act of Kindness club and on Tuesday, August 14th, volunteers helped with projects at Calmore Junior School.

“We asked various people in the community to join with us and we provided an opportunity for people to come together and make a difference in their community”, explains Pastor Rosemary Lethbridge, TOTRAK coordinator.

People of all ages came to help, even some of the students at the school gave up some of their holiday to come out and start clearing the school garden.

Students coming from the Military Preparation College (Totton College) also joined the projects at the school clearing away broken bottles, rubbish from the woods and clearing the garden. “It’s great in partnership to do something that will make a difference” said Pastor Rosemary.

A group of volunteers from the Military Preparation College Southampton came to help.

“It’s hard work but I love helping out the community. It makes me feel a better person”, says Cameren Williams, volunteer from MPCT.

On their page on Facebook, Military Preparation College Southampton posted “What an amazing day with Totton Rak Club volunteering to help out the local community, which has led to a great friendship that we can carry forward to help create a unique outdoor learning environment for our local Junior School. Well done today you should all be very proud of the time and effort you put in and we look forward to watching this area and friendship develop.”



Watch the highlights of this event on the video below:


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